Saturday, September 23, 2006

What I Want

I've been thinking a little about what I want in this New Year. Here are a few things:

1. Not to be such a drama queen
2. Learn how to deal with my messed-up family situation in healthier ways (primarily not to involve myself so much and to let other people handle their own problems)
3. Finish my novel
4. Get my novel published
5. Write more, edit less (this is my motto from now on)
6. Separate my work life from my personal life (boundaries, boundaries, boundaries)
7. Make some new friends
8. Teach some writing/editing classes
9. Exercise more
10. Spend more time playing with Harry and Chou Chou
11. Take better care of myself (physically, mentally, spiritually) all around
12. Go to synagogue more regularly
13. Be a better friend
14. Volunteer more/give more of my time
15. Show up
16. Be a better listener


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