Thursday, November 02, 2006


Last night I was at CVS drugstore (formerly Sav-On), and Ryan Adams and Gillian Welch's cover of Neil Young's "Helpless" came over the loudspeaker. I couldn't believe it. Really weird for that song to be playing there as I bought my two-liter of caffeine-free Diet Coke and a 50%-off bag of Halloween candy (miniature Reese's peanut butter cups).

Their cover of "Helpless" is one of my favorite songs ever. Their voices are so beautiful together. I was singing the song under my breath as I shopped.


There is a town in north Ontario,
With dream comfort memory to spare,
And in my mind
I still need a place to go,
All my changes were there.

Blue, blue windows behind the stars,
Yellow moon on the rise,
Big birds flying across the sky,
Throwing shadows on our eyes.
Leave us

Helpless, helpless, helpless
Baby, can you hear me now?
The chains are locked
and tied across the door,
Baby, sing with me somehow.

Blue, blue windows behind the stars,
Yellow moon on the rise,
Big birds flying across the sky,
Throwing shadows on our eyes.
Leave us

Helpless, helpless, helpless.


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