Sunday, November 12, 2006

From the Egg Advisory Council

It's a little before 7 p.m., and my sister is napping. When she gets up, I'm going to have a talk with her:

ME: Sisters need to stick together.
HER: Yeah?
ME: But they can't stick together if one of them eats almost two dozen eggs in a week.

A few minutes ago, I was thinking about what I might like to make for dinner:

ME: Eggs, toast, and veggie sausage! Yum! (Checks refrigerator: One egg is in there.)

How can one person eat two dozen eggs in a week? I mean, my sister just bought those like a week ago (after I'd been buying the eggs for weeks, and I hardly ever eat eggs). I was totally jonesing for breakfast for dinner, and now I can't have it. Sigh. I have like $2 in my checking account right now, so I can't even go out and get eggs. I'm afraid I'll overdraw my account. Fortunately, I'm getting a check very soon.

Last night I looked through my fridge and cabinets to see what was there, and the pickings were kinda slim. But I had some frozen chicken breasts, spaghetti, and asparagus. So I Googled those three items to see if I could make something with it. I found a great recipe that called for those items, but I replaced the penne pasta with spaghetti, and I added a can of diced tomatoes. It was damn good! If any of you have fairly bare cabinets like me, Google some of the items you have and you'll be sure to find a tasty recipe.

Right now I have bread, flour, bananas, some canned soup, a frozen Lean Cuisine mini pizza, some frozen green beans and asparagus, peanut butter (as usual), walnuts, sugar, salt, pepper, other spices, a couple of carrots, frozen pizza dough, canned soup, Premium saltine crackers, butter, parmesan cheese in a can, a couple of tomatoes and a little lettuce, one bagel, and a few more things. To me, this is slim pickings. I'll probably end up eating a can of Amy's split pea soup and a handful of saltines.

But I want eggs and toast!!!!


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