Tuesday, October 31, 2006


This is my Halloween: Eating shrimp wonton soup and listening to Ricki Lee Jones's "Circle in the Sand" and waiting for trick-or-treaters. I don't mind. I'm not big on going out on Halloween. I like all the stuff leading up to Halloween--all the spookiness, scariness, ghoulish stuff, etc. But I get freaked out going out on Halloween night. Too many drunks out there ready to plow you down in their SUVs. Too many creepy creeps creepin' around.

Last year I also stayed home and handed out candy--at my mom's house in St. Louis. But it was raining hard and not that many kids came by. Tonight I loaded up a big pink plastic bowl with Hershey's miniatures, Reese's peanut butter cups, and Kraft caramels. I got my favorites just in case we don't get a lot of trick-or-treaters. I have no idea how many kids will stop by. This is the first time I've lived in a house in L.A. in a neighborhood with a fair amount of kids. So we'll see... I was going to paint my face as a ghoul, just to freak out the kids. But I'm not up for it. Damn! I *am* getting old!

I guess the Ricki Lee Jones was the first sign of that...

Wait! Here come some kids!!!! I'm sitting on the front porch lying in wait like a freakin' pedophile. Cigarette and Jack Daniels by my side... They should do a LAW & ORDER SVU episode about me. The kids are across the street with flashlights!!!! Damn...they're going to the next house on that side of the street. I'll have to wait.

And wait I will....MUHAHAHAHAHAHA!


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